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WFD goes Mutual Aid into Emerson for a Structure Fire 7/4/23

On July 4th, shortly after 10:30 pm, the fire department was requested mutual aid into Emerson for a working fire. Truck 1 responded and arrived as the first due truck company, taking the front of the structure. While half of the crew was conducting searches and opening up the walls and ceiling on the interior, the other half was throwing ladders and opening up the roof to relieve heat and smoke from the second floor. The fire was able to be contained to the area of origin (the garage) and had only minor extension to the second floor. Crews were on scene for roughly 3 hours. Good job by all.


Westwood Volunteer Fire Department

93 Center Avenue

Westwood, New Jersey 07675

(201) 664-0526  |  Emergency Dial 911

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